Home News Laptops Apple is going to release THREE new Macbooks in 2023

Apple is going to release THREE new Macbooks in 2023


We’re going to be getting not just one, not two, but three new MacBooks. And I want to tell you the details about all three of these MacBooks today that we’ll be getting in 2023. But just a quick review of 2022.

If you didn’t know already, we actually got two new MacBooks this year. We got the 13 inch MacBook Pro, and this came with that brand new M2 chipset inside it. The design of the MacBook Pro was basically the same design that we’ve had for the good few sort of generation that came out since 2016.

And this does involve having that touch bar at the sort of top. And basically design hasn’t really changed that much.

But looking into 2023, we’re going to be getting some new MacBooks. And the first few MacBooks we’re most likely going to be getting are some brand new MacBook Pros.

And the MacBook Pros I’m specifically talking about is the 14 and the 16 inch MacBook Pro. That’s an update to that M1 pro and that M1 Max chipset to the M2 Pro and also the M2 Max now.

But at the end of the day, only in the summer, remember, we did get that new MacBook Pro 13 inch and also the MacBook Air. So it was a little bit close. And also, at the same time, what you’ve got to remember is those brand new 14 inch and 16 inch MacBook Pros have only just been out for about a year now.

And generally speaking, Apple don’t normally update their MacBooks sort of quite quickly. There is the odd occasion when they’ve done that. But it didn’t seem likely that this was going to happen. You know, there you go to remember with the original M1 MacBook Air and that M1 MacBook Pro, it was around about 18 months later when we got the update to M2 chipset.

So really, this is probably going to be the same thing that we’re going to be seeing here with the brand new 14 inch and the 16 inch MacBook Pro add on 18 months. And remember, they came out around October 2021.

And that leads to a roundabout sort of March time in 2023. And if you didn’t know already, around March and April time, apple like to do an event, a sort of a spring event. And it seems most likely that this is when we’re going to be seeing the brand new 14 and 16 inch MacBook Pro.

For features of the MacBook Pros, for design wise, you’re probably not going to get any updates. This design that we have right here, it right now is going to be sticking around probably for a good number of years.

We’ve only had the first generation of this design, so it’s going to be at least probably another two or three more designs of it. So it’s going to take us into the mid 2020 with the design.

So it’s not going to change anytime soon. But there will be tweaks, of course, along the lines. We’ll have to see what those are. But definitely something that will be upgraded is going to be the chipsets.

We have heard lots of leaks and rumors out there from Minchy Quo, and we’ve also heard them from Mark German and a few other reporters too, of basically of what we’re going to see with those new chipsets.

Something that we’ve heard is that we could be seeing. Nanometer, or more likely a four nanometer die process on these chipsets, especially with that brand new A16 chipset that we have for the iPhone 14 Pro models.

This is now on a four nanometer die. So it kind of makes sense for the M2 Pro and the M2 Max to be on that same die too. But what are the sort of gains that we’re hoping to see in the speed? Well, funny enough, there has been some leaks out there.

We actually saw them on a Geekbench scoring system. And the scores are definitely a bit more higher than we had on the M1. We’re getting a gain of around 20% more speed in the multicore score, but probably more like around a lower 10% score just on the single core.

But altogether, that does sound pretty, pretty cool. And we’re most likely going to be getting some extra cores inside too. Remember, with the standard M1 chipset, the GPU does actually have more GPU cores inside it.

And most likely we’re going to be getting this on the M2 Pro and also the M2 Max.

Now, one question I’m also getting asked quite a lot is will the current 16 inch and the 14 inch M1 Pro and M1 Max chipsets MacBook Pros still exist when Apple bring out the brand new M2 Pro and the M2 Max?

Well, for me, it might happen, but what will most likely happen is we’ll actually just get the 14 inch MacBook Pro with the M1 Pro chipset inside it.

And this will be the eight core version, not the ten core version. So this is the lowest spec of 14 inch one. And this will possibly stay in the lineup. And if this does stay in the lineup, it does mean most likely that the M2 Pro and the M2 Max MacBook Pros will actually be more expensive than what we have right now.

However, if Apple did plan to completely scrap away of all the M1 Pros and the M1 Max chipset MacBook Pros, then possibly the prices will stay the same. But at least that will probably be in the USA because in the other countries the price has increased, sadly.

So this is most likely going to happen again too. However, for the 16 inch MacBook Pro, I’m going to say most likely that they’re probably not going to keep this.

The reason why Apple probably won’t keep the M1 Pro and M1 Max 16 inch MacBook Pro is it’s because of the third new MacBook that we’re going to be getting in 2023. So according to lots of leaks and rumors out there, we’re going to be finally getting a larger MacBook Air.

And this is potentially going to be called the MacBook Air Plus. Or the MacBook Air Max. The iPhone range uses these names too. So it definitely seems that way. I don’t think we’re going to get a MacBook Air Ultra name because at the end of the day, the Air is not meant to be an ultra device. It’s kind of your standard device out there. And it’s going to be really, really cool.

Most likely, the design of this brand new MacBook Air will be very similar to the 13 inch MacBook Air M2. So we’ll probably get two ports on the side. We’re going to be USBC ones, Thunderbolts, and we’ll probably get Mag Save.

But the main difference is it’s going to be that screen. The screen is going to be larger, around 15.2 or 15 inches. And there’s been lots of leaks and rumors saying that this brand new MacBook Air Plus or Max is going to be coming in 2023.

But again, with more features, most likely the battery life is going to be even better. I would actually argue this is probably going to be the biggest battery life MacBook out there when it comes out, because at your day, it’s going to sport an M2 chipset inside it, the same as the 13 inch MacBook Air.

But obviously, because it’s going to be a larger device, what this basically means, it could be a bigger battery inside it. And most likely this will be up to 23 hours or so. And that would probably just be my finger in the Air guessing.

But what I’m trying to say is it’s definitely going to be the longest battery out there, because the M2 chipset is not as thirsty of, say, an M2 Pro and M2 Max.

What’s also coming out in the Pro ranges?

Something else. Most likely, it’s going to be another fanless design. Because the MacBook Air can do that and the M2 chip can also be fanless, as we know. But one thing I would definitely say is because it’s going to be a bigger model, it does mean that Apple probably have a little bit more room to have better thermal inside it.

So basically the chipset won’t throttle when it gets too hot, what a lot of people have complained about with the MacBook Air M2. But personally, I think if you’re going to push your MacBook Air to too far, you should be getting yourself a fan version of that MacBook Pro, or you should be getting yourself a 14 or 16 inch MacBook Pro instead.

But that’s a story for another day. The main thing is it’s probably going to be fanless and also at the same time, for price wise, most likely, it’ll probably be about $100 to $200 more than the 13 inch MacBook Air that we have right now because essentially it is going to be the same device, just with a slightly larger display.

And we get this with, say, the iPhone Pro to the Pro Max range and also like the normal iPhone 14 to the normal iPhone 14 plus, and most likely a brand about 200 dollar increase on that.

So, yeah, we’ll keep an eye out for that. For the release date, it is most likely that we’re probably going to be seeing it either at that spring Event that’s coming up very, very soon. Or if not that time, it will probably be in the fall of this year or the fall of 2023. The reason why I’m saying springtime is because it seemed very odd for Apple just to announce the 14 inch and the 16 inch MacBook Pros with the M2 Pro and the M2 Max chipset.

What they’ll probably most likely want to do, they won’t have to have something else if they’re going to do an event. So to have a brand new product altogether, what is going to be this brand new MacBook Air?

It kind of would make sense. But knowing Apple. It could be a brand new product altogether, or an update to another product instead. And if that is going to be the case, we’re probably not going to see this larger MacBook Air till the end of next year, in 2023, so most likely around the October time.

But it does sound really exciting, these new free MacBooks that are coming in 2023. And I want to know your opinion, guys, are you planning to get any of these MacBooks? I’d love to know.