Home News ChatGPT – What to Know About Viral AI Bot

ChatGPT – What to Know About Viral AI Bot


Today we are talking about Chat GPT, a state of the art conversational AI model developed by OpenAI.

Chat GPT is capable of engaging in human like conversations, providing answers to questions and even generating original content. That little introduction was written by ChatGPT itself.

The artificial intelligence chat bot is suddenly everywhere, reaching a million users on Monday, just a week after it was released according to its maker OpenAI.

Open AI also created dolly an AI platform that creates images including some award winning images based on user’s prompts. And those aren’t the only AI programs becoming internet sensations. But the popularity and sophistication of these programs also raises questions about how they could be used or misused.

So first of all, chat GVT is a tongue twister. But most importantly, it’s a free AI chat bot. You can ask it anything and everything. From basic questions that you would Google to even asking it to write a love song for you. It’ll spit out an answer and you’ll get a different response every time you ask something.

So you can ask it really any type of question you want. As for example, we’ve asked it if unicorns exist, and it said, you know, a very nice little answer that unicorns are a fictional character and most likely don’t exist. Others have asked it really deep questions such as when will I die? And it will tell you it just doesn’t make those types of predictions. And other questions that people have asked also include very existential ones such as, who am I? And the Chatbot will respond and tell you: “I can’t answer that for you. And that only you can define yourself and who you are.” So it can be deep, it can be funny, it can be serious, it can really be anything you want it to be.

The other day I asked the chat bot to write me an essay about quantum physics and Pokemon. Two very unrelated topics. And the chat bot spit out a great essay about what quantum physics is, what Pokemon is, and how they actually relate to each other, even though one is rooted in reality, and the other one’s a fictional character. And so people have been asking it questions like that. People have tried to get it to solve homework questions. Engineers who work in computer science have also tried to figure out problems and solutions that they’ve been having in their work day and finding responses to that as well. We recommend buying your favorite at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.

Chat GPT was trained on massive amounts of data that the company has gathered from the Internet and other sources through 2021. And as you can imagine, that’s just, it’s infinite. You know, what doesn’t the internet have out there? Wikipedia alone has so much information, right. So it’s kind of trained itself on that information and pulling from that to answer your questions.

There are some limitations, like I described, sometimes it won’t tell you a response, because it can’t or it’s too existential. Some of the other limitations people have come across is that the Chatbot will tell you information that is incorrect. And, you know, maybe you’re a scholar, and you know that for a fact.

What else is out there and what is behind all of its popularity?

Some other interesting AI tools that have popped up include Lanza, which is this app that is at the top of the App Store charts right now. And it sort of takes photos that you feed it and makes a beautiful artistic photo. Some of its like space, like some of it feels like it’s out of Middle Earth.

Another one that went popular a few months ago was Dali, too, which is a similar function to Lanza where it takes things you’ve written down like podcaster in space, recording a session, and it’ll turn that into an image. And really, what’s driving all of this is that these AI tools are now being given to the public, given to the everyday person, and you don’t need to have a degree in advanced artificial intelligence or computer science to know how to use them. You can just do exactly what we’re describing, put in whatever prompt you want, and see what the results are.

How it affect teachers, if students use these to write essays or even for people making a living for artists, or journalists trying to write stories?

Those concerns are definitely been raised with all of these types of products. And many AI experts that I’ve spoken to have said that we should use some of these tools, not as a goodbye to those roles and professions, but more so as an enabler of enhancing your work.

So if you had writer’s block, you could type in a prompt and see what it tells you and then maybe that’ll get the juices flowing in your own brain. Naturally, if you’re a student, maybe it’ll help you understand the question better and come to your own conclusions and answers. Of course, people will probably use it in ways they shouldn’t. But we’ll see how what guardrails end up being put in place to make sure that these things aren’t abused in the ways that they definitely could be.