Home News Samsung Calendar update – many new features

Samsung Calendar update – many new features


A new version of Samsung’s built-in Calendar software has been announced. It enhances the capabilities of Samsung’s mobile devices in numerous ways, such as the ability to create and edit drawings, manage shared calendars, and switch between dark and light themes.

The Samsung Community forum in South Korea was the place for the official announcement of the new Samsung Calendar app version. Enhancements to the drawing experience can be found in the latest update. The S Pen may be used to draw on the calendar, and when you long press on the drawing, it will be transformed into the correct shape. This resembles functionality found in Samsung’s own Notes app.

According to Samsung, the updated Calendar app includes a dark/light option that may be toggled independently of the device’s user interface settings. They also have the option to allow the app choose between a dark and light mode based on the theme of the user’s phone. 

Calendar events associated with a user’s work profile can also be viewed on a Galaxy Watch using this app. The company hasn’t said if Wear OS or Tizen smartwatches are required.
It’s also possible to collaborate on calendars with other people and restrict their editing abilities. Shared calendars may be made in the Samsung Calendar app by going to Calendar Settings » Calendar Management » ‘+ Create Shared Calendar. By simply linking to the event, users can invite others to the same event. Existing shared calendars can have their access controls modified.

The new version will initially launch in South Korea before being rolled out to further countries. So, watch the google play store for the next version to download.